Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Doindogs Wink
I decided to keep this yellow female from Pat and Storms litter, and call her Cee.
When she a few days old she cried all night so had my vet check her out as soon as he came to work but unable to find the problem. At about 1PM, we discovered her left eye was swollen so returned. He had to force her eye open to release the pressure and apply antibiotic. He thought she had lost the sight and would probably require removal. I then changed her name to Wink and subsequently had the eyeball removed. Since then she has earned Canadian Good Neighbour (CGN) title and passed the temperament test by St. John Ambulance to be a Therapy Dog. I now have Puck and Wink available to visit at Northwood. We will run the Rally Obedience test at Cole Harbour Place 14 & 15 May.
Wink is also in training for a test I’m taking her to near Montreal, she loves it!
Bo Update - 6 months Old
Hi Don,
I hope all is well. We are in love with Bo! He is now 6 months old, 60lbs, and full of energy. We have a field behind our house where he enjoys running around and catching balls & sticks. We take him hiking and to a lake or beach a couple times a week. He absolutely loves swimming!
We are starting to trust him more and more with roaming around the house alone and he has yet to destroy anything *knock on wood. He usually pulls his toys out of his toy bin whenever he wants to play with them. Everyone Bo meets falls in love with him. He instantly drops on his back looking for a belly rub haha. We can't imagine our lives without him:)Attached are a few pictures of Bo. The first one was taken at Christmas time, the rest are recent pictures (the last 2 taken this morning at the lake).
Mallory & Geoff
Eric and Drew's impressive performance
Eric with Drew (below), a Jill/Puck pup born 24 Jul 2013. Eric has attended only five of my obedience classes and entered obedience at the Dartmouth show and qualified with 186/200 points. A very impressive performance, both by the score and by the obvious mental connection between the pair!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Hugo had a great life
Hi Don,
Hugo was diagnosed with bone cancer unfortunately on March 8th and put down last week. He was the sweetest dog with such a kind and respectful disposition. I miss him terribly. He had a great life and I cherish the 10 years and 9 months we had together. He was the perfect dog for me from day 1.
All these photos (below) were taken in the last month.
Rocky!! What a great pup!!
Hello Don,
We are so pleased with Rocky!! What a great pup!! He cries to go out and is very well behaved . You have the best dogs.. We will be making his appointment soon for his needles..
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Rose's Granddaughter
Chelsea is really enjoying her training for obedience. She is not ready to be put out to pasture yet! She is willing to learn, wanting to learn and waiting to learn. She will be 8 next month.
I did not know that Chelsea is a natural retriever to hand. Wendy wanted to test her retrieving drive. Chelsea has never had a dumbbell in her mouth before. She has never had any retrieving training. With Chelsea sitting by her side, Wendy threw the dumbbell about 30 feet and asked Chelsea to retrieve it. Chelsea took off at full speed, picked up the dumbbell and ran back as fast as she could bringing it right to Wendy's hand without dropping it. And she has done it ever since both indoors and out with dumbbells, bumpers and a Dokkin duck trainer! I was shocked! I should get her a WC!!
And for versatility I can't forget Annalou.
As a puppy she earned a Best Puppy in Show, Multiple Best Puppy in Group, a CGD title, and eight points towards her CKC Championship.
As a yearling she earned her Ch., RN, RA, RE, PCD, CD and a High In Trial in Obedience!
As a two year old she is trained to get her CDI, CDX and DD. We will start training her now for "bird titles" WC and JH. Then she will have a litter in the Fall.
Next year if all goes well she will get her GrCH and CD Utility and hopefully some more "bird titles" and another litter.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Brie & Rye
Paula & Donnie

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Buck's 6th Birthday
I wanted to send you a quick note to say that Buck celebrated 6 years today, and he's still doing great!
I attached a few pictures for you. The last one is the latest, taken today. Despite slowing down a tiny bit in the last year or so, he still never passes up an opportunity to get outside to play or chase a ball! His baby sister has grown to love him just as much as we do.
I hope all is well with you!
Take care,

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Roxy graduated from obedience
And she's 50 pounds now!

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Rose's grandson

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Sunday, April 10, 2016
Lu qualified again today in Rally Obedience
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Miss Magg's update!
Hi Don,
Well we are in love with Magg that is for sure! She is doing great in her first week here. We are so pleased with her!
So far she has only had one accident in the house (my fault I didn’t catch it soon enough! haha), comes when she’s called, sits, and goes to her crate when asked (most of the time when we are standing near it haha). But that is all we have been working on as her little body gets pretty tired easily. When she is not sleeping in the crate she has found a favourite spot under our rocking chair. We will keep the photos coming! :)
Lu earned the title of CD
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Saturday, April 02, 2016
Daisy Mae at 7 months
Daisy Mae is growing up fast.She has quickly become a thriving member of our family. She is definitely more independent that our previous labs at this age, but our older lab knows how to put her in her place. She's been a lot of fun during the first 7 months. Still no sign of her going into her first heat. She has the wavy back of her father as I'm sure you can see in the pictures.
Kevin and Angela
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