Hi Don,
It was good timing for your email, I’ve been thinking about sending you an update on Zeus lately. I’ve attached the link to my photo album on facebook so you can see the year of Zeus growing and changing. He’s a great dog (admittedly very spoiled) and has been a wonderful addition to our family. We have a trainer that comes to the house who has been teaching me how to work with Zeus and train him. He learns very quickly and we’ve been doing well. Eventually I’d like to start him on agility, I think he’d really enjoy it. We had a dog run for him last summer but he has graduated to the invisible fence and does wonderfully with it, he has lots of space to run around in and just be a dog. He’s very happy and affectionate and everyone loves him. The ladies at the groomers have told me that while all labs are beautiful, Zeus is exceptional and we are inclined to agree J. I think he looks like both Storm and Pat, a perfect combination of the two of them; you’ll have to let me know what you think. We’ll try and make a trip over with him on our travels this summer.
Take care,