Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Isla Waiting For A Command

Hey Don,

Was out in the woods with Isla this morning. Here’s a photo of Isla waiting for the next command (she has great focus… most times… HA!). She’s coming along really nicely. Looks like 57lbs (maybe 58lbs)  will be her working weight. You’ve bred a natural athlete Don. Her morning routine includes 15 minutes of obedience training, 5 minutes of whistle training, 5 minutes of “hold” and “fetch” training, and around twenty or so 420 foot retrieves (round trip) back to hand, at full speed (she really loves to retrieve), followed by a gentle paced 4km walk where we work on tightening up the “heel”, “sit”, “recall”, etc.. This little girl was born to work that’s for sure and is at her best when she’s been worked. Great in the house too (with the occasional foolishness here and there, but no big deal). When we’re back in the vehicle to come home for breakfast, she’s not even panting. Yikes! I’ve had to get in shape just to keep up.

Of the many things I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving weekend, I’m sure thankful for Isla. She’s a ton of fun!
