Thursday, August 05, 2010

Noah's first swim! (pics)

i Don

This was a great weekend for Noah.  He turned 4 months old AND swam for the first time.

I took him to a friend’s pond and I think that did the trick – no waves like in the lake.  He actually first went in chasing a butterfly (see first picture) but after went in after the bumper.  I think he liked the fact that he can walk around pond and still see me from even the opposite end as he dove in and swam right across when I called.  Of course he also rolled in the mud and got totally filthy but he had such a good time.  We took him to the pond three days in a row which was great.  The pond is in a huge field that is fully fenced and my friend says that I can use it anytime J so guess where we will be every Saturday and Sunday morning ;-).

Here are a few of the pictures we took ( I have many many more).

Take care


Noah's first swim!Noah's first swim!Noah's first swim!Noah's first swim!Noah's first swim!