Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sable and Bill


I wanted you to tell you how Sable has been helping Bill with his Cardiac recovery, by walking OFF LEASH around town.

Bill has only gone for a few blocks...but that is great. He loves it and so does she! In fact on as they were coming back, down our block on Sunday, a Police car stop them on our corner...

I thought He was being told to put a leash on her. No...the Police Woman Asked Bill about Sable and how long it took to train Sable. Apparently Her Lab is nuts. Bill told her that we bought her from you, after C & G recommended your dogs. They trained her to be my Service Dog.

Today, when we saw his Cardiac Surgeon, he asked if Bill was exercising? He told the Doctor that He & Sable were walking around town. Thanks for our wonderful Sable...

Good Breeding, Good Training...GREAT DOG!
