How are you folks doing? What's new?
I have started my new job at the university and like it very much.
Brook turned 2 on Feb 1 and is doing very well. Her leg is doing well and
except for when she goes DOWN stairs one would not know by looking at her
that she had had the injury. We are very happy.
I have attached some recent pictures, including her birthday "cake".
A question. She is well behaved and listens well, except if we are in the
woods off leash and she gets on the scent of a bird or rabbit. In those cases she
takes off and won't come back to us, sometimes she is gone 2-3 minutes,
sometimes 10-15 minutes and once 1.5 hours. During these times she is in
dense woods, it is not like she is toying with us, she is in the woods
so we don't know what she is doing. She is trained to come immediately on
the word come or on rapid whistle burst. This works great unless she encounters
an animal and then she won't listen. We have been working on improving this,
seems like she is doing better for a couple of weeks and then she takes off again.
Any suggestions?
Dr. Craig Purchase