I have setup a blog for Nash located here monctondog.blogspot.com and will be adding all of our current and future photo's of him there. Feel free to take those pictures and put them on our site if you want. I also stole a couple pictures of Rose from your site. I hope that is ok, if not I will remove them.
I have also setup a website which I'm going to eventually get off the ground and just use for my own personal amusement and maybe to provide some useful information for dog owners or prospective dog owners in or around Moncton. I was also wondering if I could use some of the articles you have posted on your site about dog health on my site? If you don't mind I will post links to your site at the top of every one I use on my site. But it is your content and please don't hesitate to say no if you don't want me to use it. My site is located here monctondog.com