Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sadie update

Hi Don,

Hope all is well with you.All is well with us, and Sadie is doing great too! Here is a picture of her from our trip out to camp late this fall.Hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas, and wishing you all of the very best this New Year.

Take care,



Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Couper ready for Christmas

Totally chilled out, lol. Merry Christmas.

Couper ready for Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2014

Noah having fun at Hilton head

Poor abused Noah, not having any fun at the beach :)


Noah having fun at Hilton headNoah having fun at Hilton head


Deke update

Deke and I went gunless pheasant hunting again today. He flushed one nice rooster!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas from Susan & Nya

Hi Don,

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year!  Nya is doing well, and thankfully doesn’t bother with the tree or decorations.  She chewed up an empty gift bag but that’s all.  Hope you are all doing well.  

Susan & Nya

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pheasant hunt with Deke and the boys

Hi Don,

I've attached a couple of photos of Deke and one of Hunter, Deke and MacKenzie from our pheasant hunt on Nov 29. 


Pheasant hunt with Deke and the boysPheasant hunt with Deke and the boysPheasant hunt with Deke and the boys

Monday, December 08, 2014

Helen Springs Station, Australia

Sent from Kadnook Kennels (Australia)

Road  Trains 

This  is a recent  email sent regarding the cattle trains at Helen Springs  Station. 
There  are interesting statistics.    
There  are 17 trucks with 3 trailers and 2 decks per  trailer; 
Therefore  there are 102 decks of cattle and there would be  approximately 
28  cattle per deck; This totals 2,856 head of  cattle 
The  cattle will weigh approximately 500kg each (1102.3  lbs.) 
The  sale price for cattle at Longreach is approx. 165c/kg  (75c/lb.) 
Each  animal will therefore be sold at  $825. 
Total  revenue from this analysis is  $2,356,200 
Another  interesting  fact: 
Each  trailer has 24 tyres plus a dolly with 8  tyres 
For  the 72 trucks there are 4,464 tyres on the  road 
Road  trains loading cattle at Helen Springs Station, north  of  Tennant Creek 


Helen Springs StationHelen Springs StationHelen Springs StationHelen Springs Station

Noah with Santa :-)

Noah with Santa

Drew in her training gear

Hi Don, 

Here is a picture of Drew in her service dog training gear, in a doctor's waiting room.

She's just started her second heat, so we don't take her out working at the moment, but she's done some good work.  She helped my girlfriend get up in the washroom when her service dog wasn't handy; guided me through a store when I told her to find the elevator, and laid quietly in the hickory farms store surrounded by sausages. 

We also took her "bird startling", as I don't have everything for hunting yet.  She flushed a partridge, and put the spaniel to shame.  Someday I'll be able to shoot the bird for her, so she can retrieve it. 



Jaxx update

She is doing well for 7 months 
