We received your newspaper article on Monday regarding L.L. Bean Freeport.
Certainly brought back memories of our visit there with yourself.
We do not have anything like that here in Australia.
All is going along OK here. Jill had another treatment last Monday, all her bloods were stable and the readings were OK.
We have had some very wet weather recently. This winter has been our wettest for 21 years, and two weeks ago we had our windiest week for 47 years with winds up to 146 kph, YES I have had more than enough of the wind. We lost the big silver gum in front of the dog shed, luckily it fell straight across the gate out into the next door neighbours paddock, a small part of the concrete flooring was the only other part damaged other than the gate, I’m still cleaning up the tree after cutting it up into firewood. We lost the tree that you helped me cut up a branch from while you were here – a branch off one of the trees near the dog yard gate – and one of the bottle brush bushes at the front also blown over – and a large blue gum on the neighbours property was blown down near where the other one came down last year. So there is an abundance of firewood around. The local Shire Councils are still cleaning up all the fallen trees along the roads.
As a result of the wind we were without electricity for 3 days, the portable generator did a super job keeping us powered up, freezers working etc., we did miss the hot water though.
John Stott and ‘Millie’ are on the Championship Retrieving Trial circuit. Millie finished 3rd in the South Australian C’ship 2 weeks ago, then 2nd in the Western Australian C’ship last weekend, and the National starts on Friday – there are 3 Kadnooks entered in the National this year being conducted in Western Australia.
Hope this finds you both fit and well.